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Establishment of Human Rights Management System

What is Human Rights Management?

Corporate management practices that value humans

Management practices that respect and protect human dignity and values

Corporations must carry out its profit-seeking activities taking account of their social impact instead of solely focusing on profit maximization.

Corporations must pursue human rights management respecting the human rights of everyone involved in business activities, including their employees, partners, consumers and community residents.

Remedies for Human Rights Violations

  • Counseling and Mediation on Human Rights Violations

    • Preliminary counseling (counseling and mediation for preliminary resolution)
  • Occurrence and Reporting of Human Rights Violations

    • Report form is filled out
    • Violations can be reported via on/offline
  • Receipt and Investigation of Report

    • The subject of investigation is selected
    • Documentary investigation and interviews are carried out
  • Human Rights Management Committee’s Deliberation and Resolution

    • Deliberation and resolution of investigation results (suggestion, disciplinary actions, reporting to investigative authorities)
  • Notice of Results

    • Measures to violations (disciplinary actions)
    • Notice of investigation results

Types of Human Rights Violations

Violation of human rights refers to violation of fundamental rights that must be guaranteed for a person to maintain human dignity.
Violation of the Right to Equality
  • Discrimination based on sex, age, gender identity, marital status, physical characteristics or where a person is from.
  • Discrimination based on religion, ideology or political opinion.
  • Discrimination based on social status, education level, disability, family status or illness.
Violation of the Right to Freedom
  • Interference with privacy, communication or personal information without permission.
  • Arbitrarily limiting a person’s right to freely express their opinions or act in accordance with their religion, belief or conscience.
  • Arbitrarily limiting the right to freedom of assembly and association, the right to vote or the right to stand for election.
  • Ignoring procedural rights in regards to disciplinary action.
  • Physical violence such as physical punishment, cruel treatment and beating.
  • Verbal abuse such as abusive language, profanity and insulting.
  • Forcing a person to drink alcohol or forcibly not allowing a person to leave drinking sessions.
Labor Rights
  • Forced labor.
  • Not providing a safe and healthy working environment.
  • CEO.
    Hwang Tae Bu
  • Address.
    233, Gongdan 2-ro, Sanam-myeon, Sacheon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
  • TEL.
  • E-mail.